Financial statements 2005 |
Financial statements 2005
«Below we present the Auditors’ Report issued by ZAO PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit following the audit of the consolidated financial statements of OAO Novosibirskenergo and its subsidiaries, prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards («IFRS») for the year 2005. The full version of these financial statements has not been placed on the website of OAO Novosibirskenergo. Therefore, the Auditors’ Report placed on the website and all references therein to the «accompanying financial statements» and information contained in the Notes to these statements relate to the full version of the IFRS financial statements of OAO Novosibirskenergo and its subsidiaries for 2005, including the Notes to these statements which are not placed on OAO Novosibirskenergo website. The full variant of the 2005 IFRS financial statements can be obtained in OAO Novosibirskenergo.»
«The management of OAO Novosibirskenergo has extracted the information presented below from the full set of the IFRS consolidated financial statements for 2005 that was audited by ZAO PricewaterhouseCoopers. The Auditors’ Report presented in the previous section was issued with respect to the full set of IFRS consolidated financial statements for 2005 (that has not been published on OAO Novosibirsenergo’s website) and does not cover the condensed version of these financial statements presented below. We recommend that the condensed variant of the financial statements be read together with the full set of the audited IFRS consolidated financial statements for 2005.»
Financial statements 2005 |
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