- 1924 - Big energy industry comes to the Novosibirsk Region. The construction of the Novosibirsk right-bank TPP (TPP-1) begins.
- March 1926 - First two units, 500 KW each are launched at TPP-1.
- 21.04.31 - By Order of Energotsenter (the Energy Center) No.158 the Zapsibenergo district energy agency is established in Novosibirsk to manage the energy sector of the West-Siberian Region. The agency includes energy objects of the Kuzbass region.
- November 1935 - The first turbo unit with the capacity of 24 thousand KW is launched at TPP-2. By that time 35 KW Power Transmission Line (PTL) had been completed linking the TPP-1 and TPP-2 for parallel operations.
- 1936 - The foundation was laid. of the centralized heating of Novosibirsk. The first TPP-1- based heat pipeline becomes operational.
- 17.06.44 - By Order of the NKHPP No.1038 Zapsibenergo was transformed into Novosibirskenergo the Regional Energy Agency.
- 1954 - The 110KW Novosibirsk-Barabinsk-Omsk Power Transmission Line is launched, which allowed to convert the Trans-Siberian Railroad to electric power and created proper environment for large-scale centralized electrification of agriculture in the Novosibirsk Region.
- 1957 - The first unit of Novosibirsk HPP is launched with the capacity of 57 thousand KW.
- 1960 - The 220KW Novosibirsk-Belovo Power Transmission Line is launched. This PTL united the Novosibirsk-Omsk Energy center and the Kuzbass energy system to lay the basis for setting up the Siberian Energy Association in 1960. For the first time ever the heat pipeline is constructed to link the left and the right banks of the Ob’ river via a new communications bridge. This initiated an intensive development of the city’s heat networks.
- 1972 - First super-voltage facilities - 500 KW PTL and Zaria substation become operational.
- 1978 - The Novosibirsk-Rubtsovsk 500 KW high-voltage TL is launched to allow the Novosibirsk energy system and the Siberian Energy Association to link with the unified energy system of the USSR.
- 1985 - The first energy unit of 180 MW the Novosibirsk TPP-5 is launched.
- 23.02.1993 - The companies of the energy system are privatized and the OSJC Novosibirskenergo is established.
- December 1994 -T he fifth energy unit at TPP-5 becomes operational. The total capacity of the station reaches 900 thousand KW.
- 2002 - The program of restructuring OJSC Novosibirskenergo is adopted.
- December 2003 - The turbogenerator st. 3 becomes operational at Barabinskaia TPP with the electric capacity of 30 thousand KW. The station’s total power capacity reaches 114 thousand KW.
- May 2004 - The cooling tower 3 at TPP-5 becomes operational as part of the launch system.
- June 2004 - Gas-based steam boiler BEM-25/1,4-270 becomes operational at the BTPP.
- September 2004 - The launch of energy unit st. 6 at TPP-5 with the electric capacity of 180 MW.
- December 2004 - Launch of turbogenerator st.14 at TPP-3 with the electric capacity of 110 MW.
- April 2005 - a new 65 megawatt hydrogenerator was put into operation at the Novosibirsk hydroelectric plant.
- July 2005 - the Cheluskinskaya electric power substation was put into operation.
- Decemebr 2005 - the Vympel electric power substation and the step-down PNS-11 pumping station were put into operation
- May 2006 - the 5-th hydroelectric unit with a capacity of 65 megawatts was put into operation at the Novosibirsk hydroelectric plant.
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